First Name
Last Name
Phone number*
Are you part of... ? JuryPitching StartupOther
Indicate the sector of interest by ticking the box* agriculturefoodbeveragesTransport / Freightbreedingagricultural machinesuniversities
Which are the parameters you would like to measure (i.e temp, pressure, humidity, etc ...) and why- specifically in the seg. areas. Please check at least one of the boxes below and detail the parameters right under 1. Health status of a plant 2. Plant growth 3. Irrigation 4. Nourishment 5. State of the ground 6. Pollution on plant 7. Pollution on land 8. Parasites on leaf 9. Parasites on plant 10. Altri parassiti specificare 11. Monitoring pesticides 12. Other areas to be monitored 13. Other areas to be monitored 14. Other areas to be monitored 15. Other areas to be monitored 16. Other areas to be monitored 17. Other areas to be monitored 18. Other areas to be monitored 19. Other areas to be monitored 20. Other areas to be monitored 21. Other areas to be monitored
List specific problems to solve related to: (Please check at least one of the boxes below and detail the parameters right under) a. Sowing and ground preparation b. Collected c. Storage d. Shipment e. Distribution f. Sale to the end customer g. Production line h. Other specific problems
Do you use data transmission system ?
If yes which system ?
Which problems would you solve in data transmission (related to the transmission itself)
What wireless systems do you use ?
Do you have any data retention specifications? How long must they be kept and how?
Anti-counterfeiting systems : Do you use anti-counterfeiting systems? If yes which system ?
Which problems would you like to solve compared to possible counterfeiting systems ?
Do you use sensors ? If yes (indicates the parameter and the brand, i.e. Temperature / ST)
What problems do you want to solve with sensors already in use or which ones you might solve ?
Are you participating or are you interested in being involved in funded research programs (EU, national, regional) ?
If yes, you can indicate in which particular area of interest
Please upload your presentation, if any (PDF only)